NW Region Newsletter – September 2017

The North West Region committee have also send us news of events and workshops coming up in our region: Inclusiveness Awareness 7th November 2017, Warrington    10.30am – 3.45pm Please download details and registration form  (pdf) Music Makers 11th December 2017, Liverpool     10.30am – 4.00pm Please download details and registration form (pdf) Language Groups Workshop 30th …

New or Additional Group Form

This form is for members to record the details or proposed details of a new group. The completed for should be submitted to the Groups Coordinator. New Or Additional Group Form:    

Expenses Claim Form

This form is intended for leaders to claim reasonable expenses. Guidance Notes: Group leaders may claim for reasonable costs incurred in preparing, presenting or organising their activities. All items used by attendees for activities (e.g. materials for painting/craft work, USB sticks for computer work etc) are expected to be paid for by the attendees. Mileage …

Group Enrolment List Form

This form is for the use of group leaders to record the names of members who have applied to join their group, and to indicate which members have been added to their waiting list. Group Enrolment List Form:  

Group Contact Details Form

This form is intended for leaders to record the contact details of their group members. GROUP CONTACT DETAILS Form Downloads:   Click on the button above to download the form. If you need further assistance please contact the secretary: Contact Detail Here