
Social Events

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Members’ Mornings

Our Next Members’ Morning:

Oyez Sandbach U3A

Date: 05/08/2024
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Location: Sandbach Town Hall
The city of Chester is the only place in Britain to have retained the tradition of regular midday proclamations at a fixed place and time. Located at the pedestrianised intersection of the four main streets of Chester, the High Cross has been the site of proclamations since the Middle Ages. As one writer has said, “At the Cross we are upon ground hallowed by as long a succession of civic incidents as any spot in our kingdom.” Chester’s Town Criers, David and Julie Mitchell, have been appointed to continue the tradition of historic proclamations from the Cross. The crowds that gather at the heart of this popular tourist destination are drawn from many nations, which is why the Town Crier greets visitors in as many as fifteen languages.
In pre-industrial Britain the town crier played an indispensable role in everyday life. If your horse strayed, your apprentice absconded, or your child went missing, it was the neighbourhood proclaimer who broadcast the loss and appealed for their return. When pigs came to market, or an unexpectedly large catch of fish arrived in harbour, the local handbell-ringer announced the good news.
Join us for a presentation by David Mitchell in his full regalia, not sure if he will need a microphone!

Key Dates Calendar

Membership Renewal Day – 3

Date: 14/08/2024
Time: 09:30 - 11:30
Location: The Masonic Hall, Sandbach (Next to the Library)

Our information desk, normally in Sandbach Library, will be relocated into the Masonic Hall for this day, to allow members to meet and socialise, while renewing their membership.

Membership Renewal Day – 4

Date: 28/08/2024
Time: 09:30 - 11:30
Location: The Masonic Hall, Sandbach (Next to the Library)

Our information desk, normally in Sandbach Library, will be relocated into the Masonic Hall for this day, to allow members to meet and socialise, while renewing their membership.