New Members Welcome Page

Hello and Welcome to Sandbach u3a

We thought you might like a brief introduction to our website, to get you started.

Click on the pictures or bold headings below to see the information

(Use the back button on your browser to return here, or just explore using the website menus)

Up-to-date list and group timetable

We are always looking to start new groups so if you find there is not a group that covers your interest, perhaps you could consider starting one. You will get full support in doing so but if you don’t want to start the group then please let the group coordinator know of your wishes and they will see if it is possible to start the group.

Dates of Members’ mornings, (usually the first Monday of the month) between 10am and 12 noon in the Town Hall, when there is often a guest speaker and always a free coffee or tea, and biscuits.

You will also find an information stand there together with a new members’ desk where we can answer your questions and welcome you on your first visit.

Social Trips – Join in the Fun

If you would like to help in the running of your u3a, all offers are welcome, no matter how small. You do not have to join a committee. However, if you would like to get more involved, the committee is democratically elected from new and existing members (at the AGM, which is usually in Autumn) who want to help organise and direct Sandbach u3a activities.

  • There are also events arranged especially for new members where you can chat with some of our more experienced members over a coffee and learn more about the activities and how it all works.  You should receive an invitation a short time before the next one.

  • If you go to the My Account area and login using the link at the top of the page you will be able to check and amend your profile details, edit your “In Case of Emergency” contact details and see various other items of information that relate to your membership. If you would like help to login there is an instruction page here


Information Desk Details

We provide an information desk on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month between 10:30 and 11:30am. This is normally located upstairs in Sandbach Library but with the following exceptions:

Our information desk will move into the Masonic Hall (next door to the Library) on the following dates:

  • 10th July 2024 (9.30am to 11:30am)
  • 24th July 2024 (9.30am to 11:30am)
  • 14th August 2024 (9.30am to 11:30am)
  • 28th August 2024 (9.30am to 11:30am)

Notice Board – There is a u3a notice board at the rear of Sandbach Library, ground floor.

u3a Post Box – Beneath the notice board in the Library is a post box where you can leave messages/letters. Please mark whose attention they are for and never leave any cash.

Thank you for joining Sandbach u3a. We hope that you enjoy being a member, have fun and meet lots of new friends.