Long Walks in May 2024

1 May 2024 Buxton Ring of Trees Leader: Kath & Dave, Length of walk: 9.5 miles, Driving Distance: 25 miles, Number walking: 16

Start from Poole’s Cavern car park SK17 9DH

Click here to see a map of the walk.

The Buxton Ring of Trees walk connects nine pieces of woodland around Buxton and fortunately these are mostly found near well-kept suburbs. There was very little nitty-gritty about this walk. The first woodland sits next to the Poole’s Cavern car park and the walkers climbed straight into it. An early coffee stop refreshed the group for the many ups and downs necessarily involved when walking round Buxton.

After bypassing the Cavendish Golf Course the leader stopped for lunch using fallen trees for seating in the sunshine. Various local walkers passed through the encampment including Eric the retired guide dog with his talkative handler.

The next stage of the route crossed the golf course en route for Watford Wood on top of a hill. The climb required some puffing and stopping for breath, but everyone made it to the Burbage area of expensive rural estates. After that the route sat between fields of sheep with lambs in plastic macs and the more low-rent houses recently built by the A53 road.

The final section followed the edge of Buxton Country Park before dropping back to Poole’s Cavern, where the café proved an attractive destination.

15 May 2024 Sandbach Boundary  Leader: Stephen, Length of walk: 10 miles, Driving Distance: 0 miles, Number walking: 20

Click here to see a map of the walk.

As part of the celebration of the 21st anniversary of Sandbach U3A, the Long Walking Group invited other U3A members to join them on a 10-mile walk around Sandbach following the parish boundary as closely as possible and using sections of the South Cheshire Market Towns Trail, via Malkins Bank, Wheelock, Moston, Elworth and Bradwall.

Three non-LWG members turned up, although two of them had appeared on LWG walks before. Given the number walking it was decided that the plans to have different groups walking the same route would not be necessary.

The walk went clockwise round Sandbach from the Waitrose car park and stopped for coffee at the locks near Wheelock. It then followed the River Wheelock , the railway and canal before stopping for lunch on the canal bank in Elworth. The first shower of the walk started during lunch but soon abated. In the warmth, the waterproof clothing soon had to be removed and wasn’t needed until Bradwall, where a lesser shower started and soon dissipated.

Once the group reached Congleton Road in Sandbach, it started to fragment as walkers took their leave.

This was the final walk Stephen organised for the Long Walking Group now that he is ploughing through his ninth decade, and he deservedly left the walk as it passed his house.

© Sandbach U3A 2024