Update to members 24th June 2024

Members Meeting – Monday 1st July- Sandbach Town Hall

Everyone is invited to join us at the Members Meeting at the Town Hall on 1st July. We open the doors from about 9.45 for a cuppa and a chat. We then have the Lostock Ukes coming to provide an hour of entertainment from 10.30 to 11.30. There is a lift so accessible to everyone.

The group donate their fees to St Luke’s Hospice.

If you are new to the monthly meetings, we have a meet and greet team who will introduce you to other members.

The group have sent me this information so that you know a little more about them:

Formed in 2016, Lostock Ukes continue to grow in number, confidence and technique. We have a varied range of songs in our locker and can, confidently, turn our hand to many genre’s.

Last year, still continuing to play for a local cancer charity, St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice, we presented over £7300 to them, bringing our total donations, since 2018, to just over £20k.

We have played at many Ukulele festivals in recent years and continue to do so in 2024.

The University of Chester have, recently, started to follow us into Dementia Care Homes, to start a research study of the impact of music in Dementia/Altzheimer’s surroundings. We are flattered to have this coup as the only group in Cheshire that they have adopted.

We will provide songbooks for you to sing-a-long with, tap your feet to, or even mime, if you prefer.

We promise that, not only will the Ukulele bring a smile to your morning, but you will also have thoroughly enjoyed the 1st of July’s get-together.

 Come along and join in for the morning, it will be good to see you.


Kate Ashcroft

Members Events Organiser

Renewing your membership of Sandbach & District u3a

 You can renew your membership which is due in September now for £6 for the year. There are a number of ways to do this:

  • Follow the link that Barrie Hacking, our membership secretary, sent you via email in early June to pay online
  • At Sandbach Library on 26th June between 10.30 & 11.30am. Please do not arrive before 10.30 to give our volunteers time to set up. If you are intending to pay by cash, please also bring the correct money as our volunteers will not have any change. You will be able to pay by card if you wish.
  • At one of 4 renewal days at the MASONIC HALL (next to the library). These dates are 10th July, 24th July, 14th August and 28th The sessions will be from 9.45 until 11.30. If you are intending to pay by cash, please also bring the correct money as our volunteers will not have any change. You will be able to pay by card if you wish.

Visits to Foden’s Museum at Bradwall Village Hall

As mentioned in the last update to members Sandbach’s own brass band Foden’s have a museum chronicling their history in the town. Planned visits have been popular with members and so Foden’s have offered us some more dates i.e. 27th June at 12.00, 9th July at 11.00 and 18th July at 12.00. The visit lasts about an hour. If you wish to join one of these please email kentalbot@msn.com, there is only one place left for the 27th June session

Keele World Affairs

Keele World Affairs is a unique forum bringing many distinguished speakers to discuss international politics and global issues with its members in the Westminster Theatre on Keele campus.   Season 44 starts on Thursday 3 October and you can find out more about the speakers and how to become a member here.

There are 20 meetings on Thursday evenings between October and March. Famous speakers say there is nothing to compare with Keele World Affairs.  It prides itself on being the best forum anywhere where members can put thoughtful questions on geopolitical issues to the many prominent figures who visit.

You’ll need to join by 15 September to enjoy Season 44 for the remarkably low subscription of £30/£35.   There are over 500 members and the Trustees would welcome more who are willing to commit to its educational aims.

All you need is curiosity about the world we live in and how we are governed.”


© Sandbach U3A 2024