Sandbach & District u3A Members Update July 2024

Sandbach & District u3A Members Update July 2024

Money, money, money

Our u3a needs a new treasurer. Our current treasurer, Keith Saywell, has done a great job with our finances over the past couple of years, but he is due to step down soon. We made a request for a new treasurer a few weeks ago, but nobody has come forward. Now it’s becoming urgent. We can’t run our u3a without a treasurer.

I repeat, we can’t run our u3a without a treasurer.

For someone with any kind of background in finance, it really isn’t very complicated. The role involves oversight of u3a finances, producing the annual accounts, and helping trustees to make well-informed financial decisions. There is lots of support from the well-established finance team, who do virtually all the data entries. Keith will organise a transitional period for the handover of responsibility, so the new treasurer will be able to work alongside Keith for a while to learn how our systems operate.

The treasurer is one of 12 trustees for our u3a. The new treasurer will work with the other trustees (the ‘Committee’), and they are a great team to work with – thoughtful, enthusiastic, collaborative and supportive. The treasurer also has the opportunity to network with the other treasurers in our local cluster of u3as. This is a really useful way to share good practice locally and to find out how other treasurers deal with issues.

If you think you could do this then please consider taking on this vital role in our u3a. You are welcome to discuss what is involved with our chair, Linda Bilsborrow, 01270 760615 or 07950 592107,, or the treasurer, Keith Saywell, 07920 824635,

Responding to emails from the u3a

As some of you may know there has been an issue for some time for people who use BT software to respond to emails from the u3a. BT are aware of this and are working on it. It may occur with other software but we are not aware of this if it does. Basically for those people who are affected their response to an u3a email may not go to the intended recipient and for this reason each email in future will begin with the message “This message was sent from sender’semailaddress. If you reply, please check that your reply is being sent to the correct sender’s address.”

Membership Renewal Days

If you wish to renew your membership in person there are 3 remaining days when you can do this. These are at the MASONIC HALL (next to the library). The dates are 24th July, 14th August and 28th The sessions will be from 9.30 until 11.30. If you are intending to pay by cash, please also bring the correct money as our volunteers will not have any change. You will be able to pay by card or cheque if you wish.

It is also remains possible to renew by PayPal. Log in to our website Go to the members area and then click “renew membership”


Here is the link to the July quiz

June’s answers are here

August Members Meeting

This will be on Monday 5th August when the “speaker” will be David Mitchell, Chester’s own Town Crier. More details to follow in the next update

Free IT sessions

IT sessions at Sandbach library.  They are open to anyone that needs help using their smartphones or tablets and there are a number of volunteers available to help.  They run on the first Wednesday of the month from 2- 3pm and the following dates are:

  • Wednesday 7th August
  • Wednesday 4th September
  • Wednesday 2nd October

If you need help with the MyGP and NHS apps, there will be someone there from Ashfields Medical Centre to give guidance on their use

© Sandbach U3A 2024