Scrabble words to remember

The Scrabble group meets each Friday morning in Lightley Court and to make the game less strenuous we allow players to refer to a list of 2-letter words, some of which are rarely used in conversation. If you want to enhance your game at home you may print this list and amaze your friends and family with your erudition.

Scrabble words of 2 letters

Definitions of the 2 letter words – print this off to help you remember them

We also have a list of 3-letter words and, if you can memorize them, you will do really well.

Scrabble words of 3 letters

Definitions of the 3 letter words – print this off to help you remember them

However, there is a fallback plan which takes less effort but will make a big difference to your scoring potential in Scrabble or the online Words with Friends. Check out our list of 2-letter words with the letters you can add to the front or end of them to make valid 3-letter words. This makes a list of just over 1100 words, many of which will be very familiar. Memorizing the rest of them could be a fun  task for a cold, rainy afternoon.

Scrabble words of 2 letters with hooks to make 3-letter words


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